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Guillaume Bodet
Guillaume Bodet (Marketing Communications and Public Relations)
Professor in Sport Management and Marketing, University Claude Bernard Lyon1. Associate RIOU Professor.
Associate Editor of European Sport Management Quarterly.
Editorial board member of Sport Management Review and Sport Marketing Quarterly. Board member of the European Sport Management Association (since 2017).
Member of the Scientific Committee of the annual EASM Conference (since 2017), Chair of the EASM congress' scientific committee (since 2019).
Key research grants: 1. Sponsor: Local Organizing Committee of the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup, France 2019; purpose: Evaluation of the social impact of the Women's World Cup, 2019. 2. Sponsor: The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region; purpose: evaluation of the contribution of digitalisation in innovation processes in sport,2017. 3. Sponsor: Amateur Swimming Association; object: ASA Stakeholder survey, 2013.