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Around the Rings - RIOU awarded second place in influential postgraduate course rankings

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The Master of Sport Administration course, run by the Russian International Olympic University (RIOU), has been voted the second best European course in the 2017 SportBusiness International Postgraduate Sports Course Rankings.

Launched in 2012, the influential rankings attract entries from postgraduate sports management courses around the world, with results based on alumni experience, including quality of teaching, work placement opportunities, and employment success. Only courses which have been running for more than three years are surveyed and it is the first time a Russian institute has ever featured.

RIOU’s Rector Professor Lev Belousov said of the announcement: “We are delighted to have entered the rankings at such a high position, particularly in our first eligible year for consideration.

“We have worked hard to ensure our MSA provides students with the highest quality of teaching, as well as unique and exceptional work experience placements.”

Established as a legacy of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, the MSA has provided students with volunteering and placement opportunities at major sporting events, including the 2017 Formula 1 VTB Russian Grand Prix.

Belousov said: “We are ambitious to grow our reputation, and will work hard to become a European and global leader for sports education. We now eagerly await the full results of the global rankings, released at the end of June!”

RIOU is currently accepting admissions for its 2017/18 MSA programme, which will begin in September. The deadline for applications is 31 July.


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