Major Sports Events - from bidding to creating legacies: The case Winter Youth Olympic Games Innsbruck 2012
Martin Schnitzer
Researcher at the Department for Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
This lecture explains the event life cycles starting from bidding and host city strategies for major events and runs through the planning phases, the event delivery process and ends up with creating legacies through Major Sports Events. This theoretical frame will be applied to the case of the city of Innsbruck, having hosted in 2012 the first ever edition of the Winter Youth Olympic Games. The case “Innsbruck” will be analyzed from a practitioner perspective, but also from a scholar’s perspective. The researchers view is supported by the fact, that the University of Innsbruck has installed on occasion of the Winter Youth Olympic Games the “Innsbruck 2012 – Youth Olympic Laboratory for Youth and Innovation” (YOGINN 2012).
The lecture will therefore give insights on the results of the research conducted in the last years, helping to understand, whether the Winter Youth Olympic Games left legacies. Furthermore shedding light on the outcomes of major events from different perspectives should stimulate the discussion in the audience.